
KBH ServiceBox

Servicebox med buntbandf?ste

The KBH Service boxes are perfect for installations and service calls. It ensures your hook-and-loop tape holders are readily available.

KBH-S ServiceBox
(screw mount)


KBH-R ServiceBox

50× KBH-S 12 M5 50× KBH-R 12 R MS
25× KBH-S 24 M5 30× KBH-R 24 R MS
25× KBH-S 36-2 M5 20× KBH-R 36 R MS
Accessories: Accessories:
1× KEL-DPZ 25 cable entry plate      1× KEL-DP 32 cable entry plate        
1× icotek screwdriver 1× QVT 20 cable gland
  1× icotek screwdriver

KBH-R ServiceBox
MiniTec / item

KBH-R ServiceBox
Bosch Rexroth

40× KBH-R 12 M-I 30× KBH-R 12 B-R
20× KBH-R 24 M-I 30× KBH-R 24 B-R
30× KBH-R 36 M-I 20× KBH-R 36 B-R
Accessories: Accessories:
1× KEL-DP 20 cable entry plate        1× KEL-SCDP-TR 32 cable entry plate   
1× icotek screwdriver 1× icotek screwdriver

Subject to alterations

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